Modern Britain


Promoting British Values

Becket Keys Church of England School takes our duty to “promote fundamental British values as part of broader requirements relating to the quality of education and to promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils” (Prevent Duty Guidance: for England and Wales 2015) very seriously.

Positively promoting British Values will enable us reduce as far as possible the risks of violent and non-violent extremism*.

Becket Keys Church of England School is committed to serving its community in all its rich diversity. Respect and tolerance are fundamental to our Christian ethos and all staff understand that discrimination or harassment for any reasons are unacceptable, especially if linked to protected characteristics such as faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality or disability. Similarly, no group or individual should suffer intimidation by those wishing to unduly or illegally influence them.

The school is also committed to equipping students with the tools they need to keep themselves safe outside school and preparing our students for adult life.

The government defined British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and the Prevent Duty Guidance from 2015:

  1. Democracy
  2. The rule of law
  3. Individual liberty
  4. Mutual respect
  5. Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Staff take every opportunity to reinforce these British Values and to model them in what they say and do. We also use current affairs stories and events (such as elections) as vehicles for discussing British Values in action. They are also embedded within tutor periods and collective worships, subject teaching and Personal, Social and Health (PSHE) curriculum.

Here are some examples:


  • History teaches about the history of democracy in Britain but also how people have fought to preserve it.
  • Students are given opportunities to participate in student democratic structures such as ‘Student Voice’.
  • Students contribute to the strategic direction of the school through surveys and focus groups.

The Rule of Law

  • Students are taught the value and reasons behind laws: that they govern and protect us, that they come with responsibilities for us and that they involve consequences when they are broken.
  • The importance of rules to the safety and success our community is reinforced on a daily basis: in tutor periods, collective worships, lesson routines etc. We also show them that we enforce rules fairly and expect students to take responsibility for their mistakes.
  • Students are taught about specific laws eg: in Sex & Relationships and Drugs Education, in Religious Studies or in the Technologies.
  • They learn about the risks of extremism and radicalisation in RP and PSHE.

 Individual Liberty

  • Students are actively encouraged to make choices and take responsibility for their decisions, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment with clear boundaries.
  • Students are given opportunities to discuss and understand their rights and personal freedoms and given advice on how to exercise these safely eg: through e-safety sessions in PSHE, in tutor periods, year group asemblies and collective worships.
  • We provide a range of opportunities for students to develop themselves eg: through trying new activities, volunteering in school or in the wider community, participating in clubs and trips or taking on leadership roles in school. We are proud how many choose to spend their time constructively.

 Mutual Respect

  • Equality and respect for others are core to the Christian values and ethos of Becket Keys Church of England School.
  • We reinforce this through our policies and how they are implemented in classrooms and corridors.
  • We revisit key messages throughout the year through collective worships, year group assembles and PSHE sessions.

We ask students and parents regularly about how they view levels of respect and safety in school – and score very highly in these areas.

*From Prevent Duty Guidance: for England and Wales 2015:
Extremism is defined as: “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces”.
Non-violent extremism, “can create an atmosphere conducive to terrorism and can popularise views which terrorists exploit”