Contact Us


Contact: Phone, Email, Write, Tweet


To contact a member of staff by email click here.


Becket Keys Church of England School

Sawyers Hall Lane, Brentwood, CM15 9DA


  • Main Reception Telephone: 01277 286600
  • Admissions: 01277 286645
  • Exams: 01277 286626
  • Finance Team: 01277 286615 / 286618
  • Lettings: 01277 286649
  • Site Team: 01277 286605
  • Catering: 01277 286648

If you wish to contact Mrs Jenny Downs, Chair of Governors, you can contact her through the school main office.

Student Absence

If your son/daughter is ill and will be absent from school, parent/carers must email or telephone or text the school on the numbers below by 8:30am on every day of absence to explain the reason. Alternatively, please use the 'StudyBugs' website.

Student Absence Voicemail: 01277 286612


Main School Twitter Feed: @BecketKeys

Sixth Form: @BecketKeys6th

Head Teacher: @MrScottEvans