
All free schools, like Academies, are governed by not-for-profit charitable trusts, which are closely monitored by the Audit Commission to ensure that they provide good value for the public money with which they are entrusted.

In the case of Becket Keys Church of England School the Governing Body is the Board of the Russell Education Trust (RET), a Government-approved academy sponsor. Information about RET's Trustees can be found on the RET Website

In each of its schools, RET formally delegates a range of its responsibilities to a Local Governing Body representing the community.  More information about this structure can be found in the RET Scheme of Delegation and the Becket Keys Standing Orders.

A close, consultative relationship exists between RET and the Local Governing Bodies of its schools and the views of local governors inform all aspects of RET policy.

Becket Keys Church of England School Local Governing Body

The Becket Keys Church of England School Local Governing Body includes the Headteacher, two elected parent governors and up to ten further governors appointed by the Trust.

Local Governors are appointed/elected for a 4 year term, and are currently as follows:




Jenny Downs (Chair)

RET/Sept 2012

RET/Sept 2016

RET/Sept 2020

Safeguarding; Admissions
Iain Gunn (Vice Chair)

RET/Sept 2012

RET/Sept 2016

RET/Sept 2020

Andy Scott-Evans (Headteacher) Not Applicable  
Father Mark North RET/Sept 2020 Faith and Worship; Pay and Performance
Father Andy Smith RET/July 2023 Behaviour and Attendance; Suspensions
Chris Savage

Elected/Nov 2012

RET/Sept 2016

RET/Sept 2020

Curriculum; Admissions
Karen Lynch RET/Sept 2020  
David Brook

Elected/Mar 2019

RET/Dec 2022

Health and Safety
Angela Massey Elected/Apr 2024  
Samantha Oxley Elected/Feb 2023 Inclusion; Well Being
Name Date stepped down
Mother Jane Bradbury May 2023
Fiona Benson March 2024