

The Careers Leader at Becket Keys Church of England School is Ms Katie North. She can be reached via or on 01277 286600. Click here for more information about Careers Provision Outline  at Becket Keys.

Visit our "Careers Explorer" page here.

Our strategy has been developed in line with the DfE document: Careers strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talents (4th December 2017)

We want to create a stronger, fairer society in which people from all backgrounds can realise their potential. A thriving careers system, that is accessible to everyone, is at the heart of our focus on social mobility. We must break down the barriers to progress that too many people in our country face today, and give young people the skills to get on in life. Our careers strategy will support everyone, whatever their age, to go as far as their talents will take them and have a rewarding career. - The Rt Hon Anne Milton MP Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills and Minister for Women

CEIAG has a focus on six attributes, skills or actions needed to achieve career goals and aspirations. The six areas can be nicely organised into the word ‘Career’:

  • Consider your interests, your strengths, and your skills;
  • Ambition: The sky’s the limit.
  • Research what you need to get there (GCSEs, A levels, a degree, professional qualifications?);
  • Enterprise: Grasp opportunities that could enhance your skills;
  • Excitement: Passion for your dreams and reading around the subject are important;
  • Responsibility: Work hard, ask questions and discuss with anyone that will listen.

Further Reading:

We are aware that the job market is forever evolving so if you ever see a gap in our provision please contact us.

We aim to give our students quality information, advice and guidance to help inform their choice of Sixth Form, 16-18 qualifications, higher education and future career.

We do this by:

  • Ensuring that careers information runs through the curriculum, via our PSHE lessons and tutor resources (including VotesForSchools which feature a careers focus for every week of the year) and a free careers advice website here.
  • Ensuring that departments link learning in their subject areas to future careers through their teaching and through displays and other information provided in the learning environments.
  • Running Enrichment Days three times per year every year. The days often involve a chance to profile their interests and skills; try taster sessions in new subjects; and speak to people working in various different careers.
  • Providing and using 'Careers Explorer' with all students, offering independent and free careers/courses advice.
  • Ensuring that every Year 9 student has a 1:1 interview with their tutor/head of year/ a senior member of staff to discuss and agree their GCSE options.
  • Ensuring that every Year 11 student has at least one 1:1 interview with a senior member of staff to discuss their post 16 options.
  • Running a Year 9 information Evening in January, to which every family is invited.
  • Running a Year 11 Information Evening in September/October to which all Year 11s are invited to explain our sixth form provision.
  • Organising for alternative providers to come in and speak to our Year 11s.
  • Attending 'Opportunity Thurrock' (the largest educational and careers fair in the local districts) with Year 9 every year.
  • Arranging visits and tours of local colleges for Year 11s.
  • Supporting all SEN students with individual careers advice.
  • Inviting speakers from local apprenticeship providers to come and visit the school.
  • Arranging regular visits for students to workplace environments.
  • Having oversight of Work Experience opportunities that students and families arrange for themselves and making sure that all students who want help arranging such opportunities are assisted. We particularly engage with Pupil Premium students at such points to ensure that they are having rich and varied experiences.

We review our provision through obtaining regular feedback from parents and students. In this academic year our focus is on looking to expand the number of encounters our students have with employers.

Excellent Year 11 Provision

  • Sixth Former For A Day
  • Regular consultations with senior staff
  • Free Access to Careers Explorer
  • Sixth Form Information Evening
  • SENCO and Assistant SENCO support for Lower Ability Students to find the right destinations
  • 1:1 Interviews with Senior Staff including careers advice, course advice and guidance
  • 1:1 Mentoring and small group support sessions after school
  • Bridging Week after Exams to assist in making the move to Sixth Form
  • Bridging Work for the Summer Holiday
  • Trips to Cambridge as part of Bridging Week

High Quality Key Stage 3 Provision

  • Unifrog online service provides a focus on subjects, jobs and GCSE choices.
  • The options programme for Year 9 is designed to support them in their GCSE choices.
  • The pastoral curriculum in Year 7-9 covers economic well-being, active citizenship and develops enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Tutor Programme & PSHCE

Our tutor programme will cover aspects of CEIAG where possible, in conjunction with our PSHCE programme.

  • Year 7 – Growing up (Settling in)
  • Year 8 – Money Management (NAT WEST)
  • Year 9 – My Future (Options)
  • Year 10 – The World of Work (Work Experience)
  • Year 11 – Choices, Choices (Post 16 Education)
  • Year 12 – Where will I go? (Applications/Progression)
  • Year 13 – The Final Push (Life beyond school)

CEIAG issues will also appear in our weekly Votes for Schools sessions.

Other Providers

Becket Keys welcomes the involvement of other education providers to enable our students to access the widest range of appropriate courses. Involvement of these other institutions is covered by our Provider Access Policy

Gatsby Benchmarks

In order to meet our statutory requirements with CEIAG we use the Gatsby benchmarks to guide our policy and practice. The eight benchmarks are;

  1. A stable careers programme
    2. Learning from career and labour market information
    3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
    4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
    5. Encounters with employers and employees
    6. Experiences of workplaces
    7. Encounters with further and higher education
    8. Personal guidance

National Careers Week is week commencing Monday 3rd March. For more information about the activities this week check out the information here.