Students will consider the characteristics of emotional and mental health and the causes, symptoms and treatments of some mental and emotional health disorders. They will learn about strategies for managing mental health and will focus on issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and how to manage positive mental health. Sources of help and support will be explored.
The quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future.
Belief and confidence in your own ability and value.
The condition of someone's mind and whether or not they are suffering from any mental illness.
Students to be aware of how to maintain physical and mental wellbeing.
Students to be given the tools to support their own and others physical and mental health.
In this unit students will learn about sexual relationships including the Christian perspective. Students will develop their knowledge and confidence, and will be encouraged to make responsible and informed decisions in relation to Relationships and Sex Education. Students will develop their knowledge of healthy and abusive relationships, which will include recognising the signs of an abusive relationship and seeking advice and support. Students will continue to learn about contraception and the risks surrounding unprotected sex. .
To agree to do something, or to allow someone to do something.
The use of any of various methods intended to prevent a woman becoming pregnant.
Students to understand the law and how beliefs and opinions must be respected.
Relationships and sex expectations, consent, assertiveness, self-worth, choosing when to have sex, safe sex and STIs.
In this unit, students will explore how to manage finances both during further education and in later life. Students will learn about student loans, personal loans, over drafts, credit cards, mortgages and how to manage a household budget. They will understand the causes and effects of debt.
An amount of money paid to the government that is based on your income or the cost of goods or services you have bought.
Something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something.
The process of calculating how much money you must earn or save during a particular period of time, and of planning how you will spend it.
Students to be taught independence and life skills.
Students to be aware of debt and the negative impact that can have.
In this unit, students will explore post 16 education and employment pathways. Students will be given the opportunity to research ideas and give consideration to the links between further education and future employment opportunities.
Changes to the population and the work force which have created changes in the demand for different types of jobs.
The action of joining together or the fact of being joined together, especially in a political or working context.
Working for oneself as a freelance or the owner of a business rather than for an employer
Working for an organization without being paid.
Students to plan their next steps towards their career pathway. Different pathway options explored.
Labour market information used to think about careers that will be in demand.
In this unit, students will consider how to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the GCSE and A-Level years. Organ donation, resilience and mindfulness will be taught and discussed.
The process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement with them, or the discussions themselves.
The quality of being confident and not frightened to say what you want or believe.
An inability to stop doing or using something, especially something harmful.
Students taught about healthy choices and decision making.
Students discuss how their decisions impacts their own and others future.
In this unit, students will explore the influence and impact of the media on body image and mental health. Influence of pornography. Fake news/misinformation.
The people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, social group, or nationality.
Who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others.
The basic rights that it is generally considered all people should have, such as justice and the freedom to say what you think.
Students encouraged to explore their own opinions whilst using sensibility and respect.
In this unit, students will explore the influence and impact of the media on body image and mental health. Influence of pornography. Fake news/misinformation.