Physical Education - Year 8

Physical Education Overview

Term 1: Rugby/Basketball/Netball/Gymnastics

Rugby - Students will develop their levels of skill through a variety of contact situations including rucking, mauling and the tackle. Students will improve their understanding of the game with a focus on improving their decision making. Students will have opportunities to put skills into practise through small sided games.Basketball - Students will refine their skills learned from Year 7 in more competitive situations, through various progressions and drills with more competition. A strong focus will be on passing, dribbling, set shots and lay-ups under pressure. Towards the end of the unit, students will be involved in more game related play.Netball - Students will build upon the passing and footwork skills learnt in Year 7 and will apply these skills to more complex drills and activities. Students will develop their understanding of the game through small sided conditioned games and will have the opportunity to compete. Gymnastics - Students who have participated in Year 7 gymnastics will apply their skills into a duo routine. Duo balances and synchronised movements will be learnt.

  1. Students will be assessed on their level of understanding, their ability to analyse performance and their practical performance throughout the unit.
Centre Pass

A centre pass occurs after a goal has been scored, when the Centre passes the ball. A short pass is a pass between two players on the same team, where the length of the pass is so short that a defensive player cannot get between the two opposing players.


Tactics are the skills required in any game that allows a player or team to effectively use their talent and skill to the best possible advantage. Tactics are plans which are set up for a specific purpose during a performance or match.


Different formations are played within football consisting of the 10 outfield players. Examples of formations include 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 5-3-2.


A plan of action to achieve a target/goal.

Creating Space

Using movement and evasion to create space.

Replay Ball

A player may tap or deflect the ball, let it bounce and then take possession and throw it. The player cannot catch the ball with both hands, drop it and pick it up again; this is called a replayed ball.


winning possession of the ball as it is being passed from one opposition to another


moving to enable yourself to be able to receive the ball


the action of defending from or resisting attack.


using clear intent to attack the oppositions goal

Patterns of Play

Following a team strategy.


A method of delivering the ball to a team mate.


The ball being held in the air in contact with the opposition. A maul compromises of 2 attackers and 1 defender.


Only the ball carrier can be tackled by an opposing player. A tackle occurs when the ball carrier is held by one or more opponents and is brought to ground, i.e. has one or both knees on the ground, is sitting on the ground or is on top of another player


The ruck is a phase of play where one or more players from each team, who are on their feet, in physical contact, close around the ball on the ground.


An ordered formation of players, used to restart play, in which the forwards of a team form up with arms interlocked and heads down, and push forward against a similar group from the opposing side


A compelling or constraining influence in the mind OR in defence, giving the opposition limited time on the ball and harrying them into making a mistake


A successful kick at goal after a try, scoring two points.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will be developing their physical fitness, their mental toughness and their drive to overcome difficult challenges.

Create a supportive community:

Students will help to coach each other through tasks and activities. Respect is a key part of rugby/netball. Students will be encouraged to shake hands with opponents, encourage others when defeated and recognise excellent play when it occurs.

Term 2: Rugby/HRF/Basketball/Netball

Rugby - Students will develop their levels of skill through a variety of contact situations including rucking, mauling and the tackle. Students will improve their understanding of the game with a focus on improving their decision making. Students will have opportunities to put skills into practise through small sided games. Basketball - Students will refine their skills learned from Year 7 in more competitive situations, through various progressions and drills with more competition. A strong focus will be on passing, dribbling, set shots and lay-ups under pressure. Towards the end of the unit, students will be involved in more game related play Netball - Students will build upon the passing and footwork skills learnt in Year 7 and will apply these skills to more complex drills and activities. Students will develop their understanding of the game through small sided conditioned games and will have the opportunity to compete. Health Related Fitness - Students will develop an understanding of different types of training, how to undertake them and how they can benefit levels of health and fitness. Students’ stamina should improve and fitness tests may also be undertaken to track progress.

  1. Students will be assessed on their level of understanding, their ability to analyse performance and their practical performance throughout the unit.

The purpose of passing is to keep possession of the ball by manoeuvring the ball on the ground or air between players.


Dribbling is how a basketballer transitions the ball from one end of the court to the other, he or she will weave in or out of the defence.


Receiving a pass in basketball from either a chest, bounce or overhead pass.


Vital skill to be success in netball, learning to land on one foot and then pivot can help you move the ball into different areas.


winning possession of the ball as it is being passed from one opposition to another


a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.

Creating Space

moving into an area of the pitch that is empty to make space in the area where you were


keeping the football with your team mates


moving to enable yourself to be able to receive the ball


the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.


the action of defending from or resisting attack.


using clear intent to attack the oppositions goal

Lay Up

A method of scoring after a dribble.

Jump Stop

A method of stopping, landing on two feet at the same time.


Walking with the ball.

Fast Break

A counter attack turning defence into attack.


A pass out of defence.


Winning the ball after it hits the backboard from a shot.


This is the quality of a movement. It could be sudden or sustained, sharp or smooth.


Series of simple movements or gestures that are easily recognisable. they can help illustrate an aspect of a story.


Looking at the positives and negatives of a performance.


An offence caused when one player makes contact with another player.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will be developing their physical fitness, their mental toughness and their drive to overcome difficult challenges.

Create a supportive community:

Students will help to coach each other through tasks and activities. Respect is a key part of football, basketball and netball. Students will be encouraged to shake hands with opponents, encourage others when defeated and recognise excellent play.

Term 3: HRF/Football/OAA/Badminton

Badminton – Students will refine their basic skills in serving, rallying, and shot placement through a variety of progressive drills. There will be a strong emphasis on developing a variety of shots, such as clears, drops, smashes, and net shots, and understanding when to use them in a game. As the unit progresses, students will engage in competitive matches, where they can apply their skills in real game situations, with a focus on tactical awareness, court positioning, and teamwork in singles/doubles play. Football - Students will refine their first touch and passing technique through a variety of progressive drills. There will be a strong emphasis on decision making. Students will develop their decision making through small sided games and there will be an opportunity to compete. Health Related Fitness - Students will develop an understanding of different types of training, how to undertake them and how they can benefit levels of health and fitness. Students’ stamina should improve and fitness tests may also be undertaken to track progress. OAA – Outdoor Adventurous Activity Students engage in dynamic team-building activities and design their own orienteering challenges, enabling them to explore the school grounds and field. They will compete in locating flags and key landmarks, honing their navigational skills, strategic thinking, and teamwork in a competitive environment.

  1. Students will be assessed on their level of understanding, their ability to analyse performance and their practical performance throughout the unit.
Back Drop

a move starting on feet and rotating backwards ¼ of a somersault and landing on back


the part of the trampoline on which performers bounce


a move starting on the back, ½ front somersault with ½ twist to back.

Front Drop

a move starting on feet and rotating forwards ¼ of a somersault and landing on front


a position where the body is bent forward at the hips to 90° or more while the legs are kept straight, with the thighs close to the upper body.


a combination of movements or manoeuvres displaying a specific range of skills.

Seat Drop

a move starting on feet and rotating backwards a minimal amount (much less than ¼ of a somersault) and landing on seat


a position where the legs are split at least shoulder width apart and the legs are kept straight whilst the upper body is aligned forward at the hips at an angle greater than 45°.


People positioned at points around a trampoline in order to ensure additional safety for performers who might otherwise fall off without their intervention.

Swivel Hips

a move starting on the seat, a ½ twist in upright position, landing again on seat.


a position where the knees are bent and drawn into the chest, with the upper body folded at the waist at angle of greater than 45° from the upper legs.


rotation around the body's longitudinal axis, roughly defined by the spine.


The stroke used to return balls hit to the left of a right-handed player and to the right of a left-handed player.


The back boundary line at each end of the court, parallel to the net.

Overhead Clear

A shot hit deep into the opponent's court.

Drop Shot

A shot hit softly and with finesse to fall rapidly and close to the net in the opponent's court.


Fast downward shot that cannot be returned.


The stroke used to put the shuttlecock into play at the start of each rally; also called a "service". The serve can be high or short.

Ready position

The position adopted by a player inbetween receiving a shot.


run while controlling the ball with the stick


run while controlling the ball with the stick


offence of shielding the ball from an opponent with one's body or stick


to hit the ball to a teammate

Penalty Corner

free hit taken from a point on the back line

Penalty Stroke

free shot taken from a spot 7 yards directly in front of the goalmouth

Shooting Circle

semicircle around each goalmouth from within which all goals must be scored

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will be developing their physical fitness, their mental toughness and their drive to overcome difficult challenges. With trampolining, students will have the opportunity to be creative and express themselves.

Create a supportive community:

Students will help to coach each other through tasks and activities. In trampolining, there is a significant amount of group work. This encourages different students to work together and help each other.

Term 4: Basketball/Football/Hockey

Basketball - Students will refine their skills learned from Year 7 in more competitive situations, through various progressions and drills with more competition. A strong focus will be on passing, dribbling, set shots and lay-ups under pressure. Towards the end of the unit, students will be involved in more game related play Football - Students will refine their first touch and passing technique through a variety of progressive drills. There will be a strong emphasis on decision making. Students will develop their decision making through small sided games and there will be an opportunity to compete. Hockey – Students will develop and refine essential passing, attacking, and defensive skills through a variety of targeted drills and small-sided games. Emphasis will be placed on improving techniques such as short and long passing, ball control, and positioning, as well as shooting under pressure. In addition to individual skill development, students will be challenged to deepen their understanding of game tactics, including spacing, movement off the ball, and creating scoring opportunities.

  1. Students will be assessed on their level of understanding, their ability to analyse performance and their practical performance throughout the unit.

using clear intent to attack the oppositions goal


Receiving a pass in basketball from either a chest, bounce or overhead pass


the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.

Creating Space

moving into an area of the pitch that is empty to make space in the area where you were


the action of defending from or resisting attack.


Dribbling is how a basketballer transitions the ball from one end of the court to the other, he or she will weave in or out of the defence.

Fast Break

A counter attack turning defence into attack


Vital skill to be success in netball, learning to land on one foot and then pivot can help you move the ball into different areas.


An offence caused when one player makes contact with another player.


winning possession of the ball as it is being passed from one opposition to another

Jump Stop

A method of stopping, landing on two feet at the same time.

Lay Up

A method of scoring after a dribble.


moving to enable yourself to be able to receive the ball


A pass out of defence.


The purpose of passing is to keep possession of the ball by manoeuvring the ball on the ground or air between players.


keeping the football with your team mates


Winning the ball after it hits the backboard from a shot.


Walking with the ball.

A Drive

An attacking shot played to a half volley of a delivery.

A Sweep

A sweep is a cross bat shot played to a full delivery on the legs.


the act of a bowler or fielder shouting at the umpire to ask if his last ball took the batsman's wicket. Usually phrased in the form of howzat (how-is-that?).

Backing Up

A batsman will back up at the non strikers end in order to make scoring a run easier. A fielder will back up fellow fielders by ensuring that they get behind the stumps when a throw is coming in.


A method of dismissal when the ball hits the stumps and dislodges the bails.


An attacking shot played with a cross bat to a shot wide delivery.


One bowl.

Forward Defence

A defensive shot played to a delivery that will go on to hit the stumps.


a method of dismissal when the ball hits the pads or body of the batsman which would have then gone onto hit the stumps.

Long Barrier

A secure method of fielding the ball when it is travelling quickly.


6 deliveries

Short Barrier

A method of fielding when the ball is travelling slowly and needs to be intercepted.

Walking in

a tactic used by the fielding team to make it harder for the batsman to find the gaps.


A method of dismissal where the batsman hits the ball into the air to be caught without bouncing by one of the fielders.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will be developing their physical fitness, their mental toughness and their drive to overcome difficult challenges.

Create a supportive community:

Students will help to coach each other through tasks and activities. Respect is a key part of basketball/cricket. Students will be encouraged to shake hands with opponents, encourage others when defeated and recognise excellent play when it occurs.

Term 5: Hockey/Rugby/OAA/Badminton

Rugby - Students will develop their levels of skill through a variety of contact situations including rucking, mauling and the tackle. Students will improve their understanding of the game with a focus on improving their decision making. Students will have opportunities to put skills into practise through small sided games. Badminton – Students will refine their basic skills in serving, rallying, and shot placement through a variety of progressive drills. There will be a strong emphasis on developing a variety of shots, such as clears, drops, smashes, and net shots, and understanding when to use them in a game. As the unit progresses, students will engage in competitive matches, where they can apply their skills in real game situations, with a focus on tactical awareness, court positioning, and teamwork in singles/doubles play. Hockey – Students will develop and refine essential passing, attacking, and defensive skills through a variety of targeted drills and small-sided games. Emphasis will be placed on improving techniques such as short and long passing, ball control, and positioning, as well as shooting under pressure. In addition to individual skill development, students will be challenged to deepen their understanding of game tactics, including spacing, movement off the ball, and creating scoring opportunities.. OAA – Outdoor Adventurous Activity Students engage in dynamic team-building activities and design their own orienteering challenges, enabling them to explore the school grounds and field. They will compete in locating flags and key landmarks, honing their navigational skills, strategic thinking, and teamwork in a competitive environment.

  1. Students will be assessed on their level of understanding, their ability to analyse performance and their practical performance throughout the unit.

    Athletics - Demonstrate a sprint start plus one track and one field event. Assessment to be graded on the English Schools standards table.


The ability to move the whole body quickly over a short distance.


The sport of competing in track and field events, including running races and various competitions in jumping and throwing

Track Event

Track is a sport which includes athletic contests established on the skills of running. Track is categorised under the umbrella sport of athletics, which also includes road running, cross country and running.

Field Event

Field is a sport which includes athletic contests established on the skills of jumping and throwing. Regular jumping events include long jump, triple jump, high jump, while the most common throwing events are shot put and discus.


A relay race is a track and field event in which athletes run a pre-set distance carrying a baton before passing it onto the next runner. Often, a relay team is a team of four sprinters.

Sprint Start

Sprinters begin the race by assuming a crouching position in the starting blocks before leaning forward and gradually moving into an upright position as the race progresses and momentum is gained.


To propel an object using the strength of your hands and arms.


To propel oneself into the air using one's legs either for height (high jump) or for distance (long or triple).


A method of transferring the baton.


A method of transferring the baton.

Lead Leg

The first leg that goes over the hurdle.

Trail Leg

The second leg that goes over the hurdle.


The ability to pace yourself over an extended period of time.


The ability to move the whole body quickly over a short distance.

Stride Pattern

The number of strides taken between the hurdles.

Limb Speed

The ability to move a limb quickly e.g. arm speed needs to be fast to throw a javelin.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will be developing their physical fitness, their mental toughness and their drive to overcome difficult challenges.

Create a supportive community:

Students will help to coach each other through tasks and activities. As students are often required to perform maximally, students are also required to encourage others to do the same.

Term 6: Athletics

Athletics - Students will improve on their current system of pacing, ensuring that they set an appropriate pace for their level of fitness. Sprint technique will be refined. For field events, students will discover more advanced techniques used in the shot put, discus and javelin, including the shuffle and glide.

  1. Students will be assessed on their level of understanding, their ability to analyse performance and their practical performance throughout the unit.
Long Barrier

A secure method of fielding the ball when it is travelling quickly.

Short Barrier

A method of fielding when the ball is travelling slowly and needs to be intercepted.


the act of a bowler or fielder shouting at the umpire to ask if his last ball took the batsman's wicket. Usually phrased in the form of howzat (how-is-that?). Common variations include 'Howzee?' (how is he?), or simply turning to the umpire and shouting.


A method of dismissal when the ball hits the stumps and dislodges the bails.


a method of dismissal when the ball hits the pads or body of the batsman which would have then gone onto hit the stumps.

A Drive

An attacking shot played to a half volley of a delivery.

Forward defence

A defensive shot played to a delivery that will go on to hit the stumps.


An attacking shot played with a cross bat to a shot wide delivery.

A Sweep

A sweep is a cross bat shot played to a full delivery on the legs.


One bowl.


6 deliveries

Walking in

a tactic used by the fielding team to make it harder for the batsman to find the gaps.

Backing Up

A batsman will back up at the non strikers end in order to make scoring a run easier. A fielder will back up fellow fielders by ensuring that they get behind the stumps when a throw is coming in.


A method of dismissal where the batsman hits the ball into the air to be caught without bouncing by one of the fielders.


The fielder behind the batsman.


One teams time to bat.

Bowling Square

The area from which the bowler bowls.

Half Rounder

One of the most common terms used in the game of rounders is the half-rounder. Half-rounders get scored when the batter successfully circumnavigates the track but without having hit the ball.

No Ball

When the ball is delivered incorrectly.


A 'rounder' is rounders terminology for a score awarded to the batter. It occurs if he successfully strikes the ball and he reaches the fourth post before another ball gets bowled.


an individual score which is achieved by running between the wickets.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students will learn the discipline of refining specific technique, over and over again. This art of discipline can be transferred across into all areas of life.

Create a supportive community:

Students will help to coach each other through tasks and activities. In dance, there is a significant amount of group work. This encourages different students to work together and help each other.

Term 3 - 6 : Athletics/Cricket/Softball/Rounders

Athletics - Students will improve on their current system of pacing, ensuring that they set an appropriate pace for their level of fitness. Sprint technique will be refined. For field events, students will discover more advanced techniques used in the shot put, discus and javelin, including the shuffle and glide. Rounders – Students will develop their hitting, fielding, and tactical understanding of the game. The unit will focus on refining techniques such as grip, swing mechanics, and throwing accuracy. Students will also work on their ability to read the game and make quick decisions in the field. There will be an emphasis on teamwork, communication, and understanding the rules of the game. Towards the end of the unit, students will apply their skills in more competitive match situations, focusing on game awareness, positioning, and scoring strategies. Softball – Students will build on their basic throwing, catching, and hitting skills from earlier years, refining their technique in a more competitive environment. Focus will be on improving accuracy, timing, and team strategy. Students will practice fielding and batting in various drills, aiming to build confidence in different positions. As the unit progresses, there will be an emphasis on applying these skills in game situations, with students engaging in both individual and team challenges to enhance their understanding of strategy and sportsmanship. Cricket - Focus on batting and bowling will be evident throughout this unit of work. Students have been taught strong fundamentals in Year 7 and this year will develop a range of batting techniques alongside structured fielding positions.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

New time: Cricket/Softball/Rounders

Rounders – Students will develop their hitting, fielding, and tactical understanding of the game. The unit will focus on refining techniques such as grip, swing mechanics, and throwing accuracy. Students will also work on their ability to read the game and make quick decisions in the field. There will be an emphasis on teamwork, communication, and understanding the rules of the game. Towards the end of the unit, students will apply their skills in more competitive match situations, focusing on game awareness, positioning, and scoring strategies. Softball – Students will build on their basic throwing, catching, and hitting skills from earlier years, refining their technique in a more competitive environment. Focus will be on improving accuracy, timing, and team strategy. Students will practice fielding and batting in various drills, aiming to build confidence in different positions. As the unit progresses, there will be an emphasis on applying these skills in game situations, with students engaging in both individual and team challenges to enhance their understanding of strategy and sportsmanship. Cricket - Focus on batting and bowling will be evident throughout this unit of work. Students have been taught strong fundamentals in Year 7 and this year will develop a range of batting techniques alongside structured fielding positions.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community: