Art - Year 7

Art Overview

Term 1: Exploring a Culture-Developing Drawing and Painting Skills. 2D to 3D.

*Develop basic art vocabulary. learning about Tone, Colour and the Visual Elements of Art. Developing skills and building individual confidence.

*Describe use of tone & colour.

*Explore mark making techniques and understand how to use different grade pencils

*Develop shading techniques

*Practice close-up observational drawing techniques

*Use magnification and viewfinders to observe detail

*Encourage and examine the connection between cultures, colour and pattern.

*Explore different drawing techniques such as continuous line and blind contour drawing

Remote Learning

Tasks will be planned in conjunction to the theme or project focus. Tasks will be modified for students working at home.

  1. Students' work will regularly be assessed within class through peer and self-assessment activities alongside verbal feedback and target setting from the teacher.

    Work willl also be assessed with targets set and levels given in accordance with the linear GCSE curriculum.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

*Creative thinker: students will creatively approach the task of illustrating what they have learnt through the final piece. *Independent inquirer: students will demonstrate this through their homework projects. *Self-manager: students will have to make decisions about their own work and what direction they wish to take it in. *Reflective Learner: students constantly assess their own progress through formal assessment, and informal (discussions with Peers/ teacher/ themselves). Annotations and evaluations (visual and written) will demonstrate reflections.

Create a supportive community:

*Team worker: students will work in groups at various stages throughout the project, collecting info and textures. *Effective Participator: students are required to interact throughout, whether it is searching for textures, involving in the many discussions about adjectives/textures etc. also a number of interactive games will be used as starters or plenary tasks.

Term 2: Exploring a Culture-Creating a larger scale pattern piece.

*Gain awareness of Composition, and how to make effective use of the drawing space*Develop initial sketches that show various composition and forms for a larger outcome.*Select specific piece inspired by a culture- focus on colours and patterns which suit the larger scale painting or multi media design used, and experiment with various painting tools.* Further develop skills in observational drawing and painting processes using different materials.

  1. Students' work will regularly be assessed within class through peer and self-assessment activities alongside verbal feedback and target setting from the teacher.

    Work willl also be assessed with targets set and levels given in accordance with the linear GCSE curriculum.


technique of gently intermingling two or more colors or values to create a gradual transition or to soften lines.

Mark making

describing the different lines, patterns, and textures we create e.g. Dots, Dashes, Scribble, Smudge, and cross-hatching.


a long, narrow mark or band


notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.


the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.


depicting levels of darkness on paper by applying media more densely or with a darker shade for darker areas, and less densely for a lighter shade.


the lightness or darkness of a surface because of the effect of light. Adding tone to an image helps it to appear three-dimensional.


the layout or arrangement of objects and items.


to use something to spark ideas or imagination

design idea

an idea for a piece of creative work which is shown visually, usually through a drawing.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Creative thinker: students will creatively approach the task of illustrating what they have learnt through the final piece. *Independent inquirer: students will demonstrate this through their homework projects. *Self-manager: students will have to make decisions about their own work and what direction they wish to take it in. *Reflective Learner: students constantly assess their own progress through formal assessment, and informal (discussions with Peers/ teacher/ themselves). Annotations and evaluations (visual and written) will demonstrate reflections.

Create a supportive community:

*Team worker: students will work in groups at various stages throughout the project, collecting information and textures. *Effective Participator: students are required to interact throughout, whether it is searching for textures, involving in the many discussions about adjectives/textures etc.

Term 3: Natural Forms- Creating an Outcome

*Re-cap composition

*Design an individual piece of artwork

*Create an original piece of work taking inspiration from a chosen artist

Remote Learning

Tasks will be planned in conjunction to the theme or project focus. Tasks will be modified for students working at home.

  1. Students' work will regularly be assessed within class through peer and self-assessment activities alongside verbal feedback and target setting from the teacher.

    Work willl also be assessed with targets set and levels given in accordance with the linear GCSE curriculum.

design idea

an idea for a piece of creative work which is shown visually, usually through a drawing.


to use something to spark ideas or imagination


the layout or arrangement of objects and items.


technique of gently intermingling two or more colors or values to create a gradual transition or to soften lines.


looking at your project as a whole and discuss its successes and weaknesses.


the lightness or darkness of a surface because of the effect of light. Adding tone to an image helps it to appear three-dimensional.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

*Creative thinker: students will creatively approach the task of illustrating what they have learnt through the final piece. *Independent inquirer: students will demonstrate this through their homework projects. *Self-manager: students will have to make decisions about their own work and what direction they wish to take it in. *Reflective Learner: students constantly assess their own progress through formal assessment, and informal (discussions with Peers/ teacher/ themselves). Annotations and evaluations (visual and written) will demonstrate reflections.

Create a supportive community:

*Team worker: students will work in groups at various stages throughout the project, collecting information and textures. *Effective Participator: students are required to interact throughout, whether it is searching for textures, involving in the many discussions about adjectives/textures etc.

Term 4-6: New titleT4-6 is a Textiles Unit. Please see the Textiles online curriculum for more details. Thank you

T4-6 is a Textiles Unit. Please see the Textiles online curriculum for more details. Thank you

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community: