
Educating children to live in modern Britain

For many children and young people living in the UK today, LGB and T rights are a non-issue, just a matter of fact, a given. Among their media streams, young people’s favoured celebrities and public figures are likely to include people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans. Within school communities there may be members of staff or parents who are co-habiting, in same-sex relationships, bisexual or trans. A minority of pupils will come out as gay or lesbian during their years in the school.

We need to ensure that no child or young person can leave a Church of England school without a sense of their own belovedness and without being offered honour as a person of divine indwelling.

...The Government has placed a duty on schools to prevent extremism and to teach British Values (this came into effect in February 2015). Schools must now ensure that they promote British Values which include challenging extremist views, understanding the importance of identifying and challenging discrimination and the acceptance of individual liberty and mutual respect. In July 2016, following a rise in hate crime after the Brexit vote, the Government issued Action Against Hate. This plan for tackling hate crime includes the need to challenge homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in schools.

Based on 'Valuing All God's Children' by The Church of England