RSE continues to build on the subjects covered in earlier years, we focus on making positive and healthy lifestyle choices and on improving personal health and emotional wellbeing. Students are given information on access to services and where to go for confidential advice. We invite external organisation, such as the Terrence Higgins Trust, in for in-depth assemblies and workshops.
Year 10
Students revisit relationships with others but go into greater depth about domestic violence and sexual orientation. There is also an emphasis on healthy relationships, sexual feelings, self-respect and safe sex. Students cover issues relating to the use of the internet, including pornography. The relationship between drugs, alcohol and risk taking behaviour is explored. The rights of the child and the law is discussed with a focus on age of consent and FGM.
RSE Topics: Relationships; Self-esteem/respect; E-Safety; Pornography; Safe Sex; HIV/AIDS; Pregnancy; GLBTQ; FGM.
Year 11
During the year, students will continue to revisit relationships in particular sexual ones. There will be teaching about STIs following from safe sex the previous year. Students will discuss the difficulties of parenting and when the right time is to have children. Medical ethics will be taught to include abortion, euthanasia, designer babies and animal testing. Students will receive guidance on how to access sexual health and support services including overcoming possible barriers to access.
RSE Topics: Relationships; Self-esteem/respect; Parenting; STI’s; Abortion; Forced Marriage.
Year 12
In their first year in the Sixth Form students at Becket Keys will be taught PSHE sessions through a fortnightly PSHE session, tutor time and assemblies. Continuing on from work completed during KS4 the students will examine the reality of certain topics. Topics covered include, sexual harassment, online abuse and sexual violence, issues of consent, and what constitutes a healthy relationship both online and offline.
RSE Topics: Relationships; Self-esteem/respect; Safe Sex; HIV/AIDS, Drugs and Alcohol (making choices)
Year 13
The year 13 is impacted upon by due to the completion of personal statements, UCAS applications CV’s and Apprenticeship applications. However, the areas from year 12 will be revisited. The impact of turning 18 will be a focus.
RSE Topics: Healthy Relationships; Self-esteem/respect; Safe Sex; HIV/AIDS, Drugs and Alcohol (making choices), arranged marriages.
Useful resources for students and parents:
- Advice and information for over 14s and their parents on sex, relationships and development -
- Family Planning Association: Advice on contraception and access to services -
- Free and confidential advice from the UKs leading sexual health charity -